Wednesday, January 29, 2020

You Can Call Him Al

Today I met Al. Al is the guy who calls me up every six to twelve weeks or so to remind me of the scan appointments I have for the next day. He is always so pleasant on the phone, and his voice is just beautiful – musical and full of laughter, with just a bit of an accented lilt that sounds like the Caribbean. When he calls, we end up having these interesting micro-conversations (he can't talk for long, of course, with that huge list of oncology patients he has to call) about things like the best place to get breakfast after scans, or astrology (we have close birthdays), or what we'd do if it quit raining outside and how it rains differently in different parts of town. He makes his calls from an interior office at the imaging place, so since he's not at the front desk and he's not a tech, I never see him.

Until today! Our paths crossed in the hallway, and I heard his unmistakable, beautiful voice. "Hello Ms. LaChance, good morning! How are you?" "You're him! You're my guy! You're Al!" Turns out he'd heard me in the hall and popped out to say hello, as he sometimes does with his regulars. For me it was kind of like meeting a rock star. The Nice Man on the Phone. I mean, in a world where much appointment reminding is automated, it's kind of cool to be buddies with The Nice Man on the Phone. Seeing him and the lovely techs reminds me of how grateful I am for the work they do. Even on the busiest clinic days, these folks are professional, gracious, and well, just sweetly human while being rock stars in their own way, and I am honored to know them and to be cared for by each of them, including Al.

More scan news tomorrow. Stay tuned.


  1. I love this! I’m so happy you met Al. Best wishes for great scan results.

  2. Leslie how nice to finally meet him in person,


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  And so, another year around the sun. Here I am again with the few remaining blossoms on the “memorial” cherry tree we planted 7 birthdays ...