Wednesday, February 14, 2018

And the Results Are In

So hooray!  My CT scan shows a "marked decrease" in the tumors and adenopathy. The lump in my neck is totally gone! I have no progression of disease, no new metastases, no effusions, and all around high marks for treatment so far.  Though it's not the NED (no evidence of disease) I'd hoped for yet, I am optimistic that the next scan in a few months will show even more improvement because Xalkori has such a good track record. Maybe I'll have NED by summer. Wouldn't that be awesome? For now, I'm just grateful that my disease is responding to this treatment and that I feel well enough to have something that looks like a normal life. My doctor has encouraged me to go back to work and to "do things that keep your brain active," so off I go to do brainy things. Oh, and I can go back to the gym too. I don't plan on running any marathons any time soon, but I am thrilled by the prospect of walking this planet a bit longer with y'all!

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